
The Israel Lobby and Hagel

Buck1/09/2013 10:02:54 am PST

re: #12 Red Falcons of America

Buck Kahane also believes that Jordan is the rightful property of Israel and Jordans existence is illegal.

Not exactly true. The liar War on Music seems to like to slander instead of debate.

I believe that England was, in 1922, given a clear mandate, a trust if you will to: a) as Mandatory, to secure the establishment of the Jewish National Home… b) as Trustee, to preserve the whole land in trust for the benefit of the Jewish people; and c) as Tutor.

There was a legally binding term to NOT break up the land in anyway.

They did so anyway. That was illegal. However, the Jews agreed to it, and what was done cannot be undone.

You can read the document yourself. This is not some biblical promise. It is written in English (I think that is your mother tongue) This is not based on anything except international law.

If you think that the people who made this mandate were not legally able to do so, you should know that the same people gave similar mandates to France to create Lebanon. They also created Syria and Iraq.

No one is questioning the League of Nations legal standing to do that. The Allies after WW1, the USA, the League of Nations and the UN all agreed to these terms. Votes were taken multiple times.

The legitimacy of Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and the Jewish state all derive from the same international agreement at San Remo.

Later, they took the land that was the British Mandate and broke off 70% for the creation of a Arab Palestinian State. That is now called Jordan where 60% of the population is Arab Palestinian but the country is ruled by a dictator who is propped up by the Bedouin minority. Again the Jews, hoping against the odds for peace, agreed to it, and I know that what was done cannot be undone. Yes that was the first “land for peace” deal that went bad.

Not happy with that 70%, the Arab leaders declared openly the plan to kill the Jews and take with force the land they didn’t already get. They knew that the world would not care about the legal standing of Jews. They knew that many in the world would stand by while they committed genocide. No country took the threats seriously (or they simply turned a blind eye to them).

In 1947 they tried to follow though with the plan to “drive the Jews into the sea”. They failed.

War on Music wants to reward the people who engaged in terrible ethnic cleansing as part of the attempt to steal the land (the remaining 30%).
Jews were driven from their homes in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem in 1948 by Jordanians. Synagogues and cemeteries were desecrated.

You can view Life Magazine’s Pictures of Jerusalem 1948 The world saw those pictures and were not moved. Jordan had no legal right to do this. No country had Israel’s back. The new nation was alone.

War on Music (and the United Nations) rewards the war criminals and the people who benefited from their illegal actions.