
How Bush's Gitmo hurts US foreign policy. Russia creates counter Rights Violation blacklist for USA

Destro4/13/2013 10:31:08 pm PDT

re: #12 Gus

The Russian ban on American adoption had to do with Americans abusing and killing adopted kids and predates this so called list.

This list was thought up by some think tank and passed in congress via special interests to get at Russia over foreign policy conflicts near and dear to foreign policy hawks disguised as concern for human rights. Nothing more or less. If we are to use human rights as a tool of diplomacy, at this point in time, we should be consistent and we should be blemish free or it looks obvious. Those 18 Americans are clearly war criminals.

The Russians contemplating so called “anti-blasphemy” laws make sense in a nation with inter ethnic and inter religious strife. All it takes is one asshole to burn a Koran and we have thousands dead.

American ignorance about what exists overseas versus their own sheltered and ignorant world view on display right here.