
The Adorable Frisky Hopping Peccary Pups

ObserverArt11/16/2013 9:30:58 am PST

re: #75 Dark_Falcon

The officeholders aren’t chumps, at least not most of them. But the people they represent dislike President Obama intensely and to work with him on something would risk a primary challenge. As one of my university professors taught, members of Congress ‘run scared’, constantly working to be in the best position to be reelected. Given that the policy differences between Republicans members of the House and those who would challenge them for the nomination are actually small, stylistic differences have come to loom larger. Having a cooperative style with the other party often earns a member of Congress the dreaded “Washington Insider” label.

I said it the other day…and I’ll say it again. Term limits!

We need to get the thinking back that being a congressman is all about service to your country and not a life-long career as a lump collecting ‘donations’ from your backers.

If you want to make a name in two/three terms (2 senate, maybe 3 house?) you have to get moving and get some stuff done. It would change the whole look of what government could be about. Service like the military. And make it an honor to serve. Might get some honor back into congress.