
NOAA State of the Climate: 2014 Was the Hottest Year on Record Globally

Decatur Deb1/17/2015 4:02:07 am PST

re: #123 Bubblehead II

I mentioned that in my #117. Some camp grounds either ban or limit hours of operation because of it. And yes, during an emergency situation it may be in your best interest NOT to draw attention to yourself by running a loud generator. CI does have a good point about a small (1kw or less) generator used only to charge a couple of deep cycle batteries though.

Everyone has a small generator in their driveway. A car will easily charge mobile electronics and an inexpensive inverter will even put out light loads of 110v. My old hobby truck was designed to power tactical radios, and it has a bit more—90 watts at 24v.

That’s not an efficient source, but it is in place, unobtrusive, proven tech, and cheap.