
Ledeen: We're All Fascists Now

Achilles Tang2/16/2009 4:37:30 pm PST

re: #20

For those who decry the loss of religious influence in our lives, I thought he made an interesting point -

Those who are fighting to get religion “back into” our lives are fighting the government to allow religious beliefs in, and that’s the wrong battle.

If they wish for religion to be a force, then it seems to me they should be seeking ways to establish private institutions to do the things that government does, not suing the government.

I don’t disagree with your approach, from your perspective, but I do have to comment that given that the US is the most religiously observant nation in the 1st world, it always seem strange to me that this is such a strong issue with many.

Isn’t 90%+ belief in God good enough? Just who is this effort directed at?