
Tea Partying: When Protest Movements Defend the Interests of the Ultra-Rich

Targetpractice9/24/2013 1:09:23 pm PDT

re: #125 dog philosopher

as if Henry Ford was not necessary for Fords to roll off the (non-existent) assembly lines and Steve Jobs was not necessary for iPhones and iPads to spring into existence

as if henry ford could build all his cars all by himself and as if steve jobs was actually an engineer who could design and build the things he was talking about

When people talk about how great Henry Ford was, they forget to mention that the first company that he created failed, the second ended up becoming Cadillac, and the third nearly collapsed due to poor sales and inability to pay the Dodge brothers for parts he’s contracted them to supply.

Of course, that all ignores that Ford didn’t create the automobile or the assembly line, he was just the guy who figured out you could marry the two, building an inexpensive car on an assembly line, and churn them out so quickly that volume drove down costs. Then atop that, he did something no other automaker did and which still to this day light’s peoples heads afire when a company does it: He paid his workers enough that they could afford the very cars they built, not only providing a ready market for his products, but also driving down turnover costs.