
Robert Stacy McCain's 300th Post on My Total Insignificance

webevintage3/25/2011 7:26:04 pm PDT

Just a reminder.

Susan Harris’s voice grows hoarse with emotion when she discusses last year’s BP oil spill and the Upper Big Branch mine disaster, two of the biggest industrial accidents in the nation’s history. But the 62-year-old artist from Los Angeles gets even more passionate expressing her disappointment that the two incidents have not prompted more safety rules, instead lost amid a backlash against government regulations to protect worker safety and health.
“How do people become so hard? It’s disgusting,” she says. “What are our priorities as a country? It’s really ironic that this is happening right now on the anniversary of the fire.”
Harris is referring to Friday’s 100th anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire, in which 146 workers, mainly young immigrant women, were burned to death or jumped to their deaths. The workplace tragedy, which was caused by dramatically unsafe conditions and blocked exits, inspired dozens of reforms, later helping pave the way for the New Deal, and invigorated the union movement.