
House Intel Panel Benghazi Report: No There There

ObserverArt11/22/2014 5:37:39 am PST

Morning all.

Crazy morning on C’bus streets and highways. 27 and light rain. Perfect for making an ice rink. And the roads are.

Local freeway police and Highway patrol have been shutting down some highways as there were at one point a dozen or more accidents.

Saw one image of a couple of FedEx trucks that must have been behind each other and then did the slip and slide. One of the tandem trailers apparently jackknifed and ended up with one trailer on top of another and the second truck kissing the front of that stacked truck.

A bunch of cars were scattered about having got caught in the mess and bouncing off each other. Ugh.

I hate those tandem trailer semis. Now that they can do the same speeds as everyone else, some of those driver like to mix it up with traffic. We have a huge FedEx distribution center out at Rickenbacker Air Base for air shipments on our south end and another big land based trucking center on the west side just past the outerbelt. FedEx trucks are all over the southwest side of this city. Someone’s Christmas and Holiday gifts probably aren’t getting there in good shape any time soon.

Damn crazy weather this year…and it’s not even Thanksgiving yet.

I hope all this is just winter coming early, and then hopefully leaving early too. Like right after Christmas!

I see Ferguson is still in a holding pattern. The tension has got to be building.