
Monkeys vs. Humans on the Rock of Gibraltar: "Territory"

Axolotl1/02/2017 9:23:57 am PST

re: #94 William Lewis


We must never stop laughing at the tiny fisted Yam, the Cheetos Mussolini. He is nothing but contemptible and that reality needs to be shown to the people who voted for him thinking he was a competent biz guy. He has no sense of humor and despises being laughed at - that makes it our most powerful weapon against his Scumbagness.

The same is true of the fascist scum that have attached themselves to the ShitGibbon.

Now, gently reaching out to those who have been fooled by the lies and deceit of Herr Trumpenfuhrer and the media? Sure we do that and try to help them find what they need when they discover that Public Education, Labor rights, ACA, Medicare and Social Security have been destroyed by the Thief In Chief. But we must teach them that their stupidity and laziness has consequences as well.

Resistance must be our breath; every moment of every day.

Never stop. Never forget. Never again. To Anyone.

I’m going to be as harsh as possible. Try to shock you guys a little.

Laughing at him only helps him. Don’t you see?

Are you all fucking blind fools? Stop laughing at him and treat him as the serious that that he is.

I use those words out of respect. I respect you all, I just want to wake you up. Stop laughing, ignore that shit. He is trying to distract and you are being played. I asked, has it helped up until this point it strengthened his position?