
Power Line's Hinderaker: Schools Should Be More Like Biker Bars

stabby12/15/2012 8:20:29 pm PST

I’ve been trying to think of a solution to this problem. I suggested radio tags on guns, but people here ripped hat idea apart.

After that I came to the conclusion that the only practical solution in a country like the US where the right to bear arms can’t be gotten rid of is to post armed guards everywhere. I posted that suggestion elsewhere before this article was written.

If you can’t stop people from getting weapons and you can’t detect when weapons get into a public place all you’re left with is “respond as quickly as possible when someone starts shooting”

Making “armed guard” part of other job description is a way of making this solution a lot cheaper. I suggested the same as well.

yes this solution has drawbacks. There will be MORE weapons available everywhere and some of those will be misused. And just because you respond as quickly as possible doesn’t mean that you manage to minimize harm in every case. And guards may not be all that skilled.

But if the violence problem is bad enough, then having guards everywhere is the best solution that our system is capable of.

Besides, if a school administrator tells parents: “your children will be safe just as soon as we change the constitution to eliminated the 2nd amendment or change the judges and get them to change the interpretation of the 2nd amendment, and just as soon as all the legislatures in the country act on that change and outlaw weapons” then that administrator has failed to make anyone safer.

On the other hand, if a school (or mall) administrator says, from now on there will be 3 armed guards posted during school hours and 2 on duty during after school activities, then he’s succeeded in making his school safer.

I’m sorry but Charles is wrong. Guards would work in America right now. Nothing else will.