
Eric Cantor Immediately Attacks Former Ally Chuck Hagel

biorabbi1/07/2013 1:11:14 pm PST

In my view which is obvious a distinct minority viewpoint, his(Hagel’s) statement about the Armenians was hideous. But at least he said it to their face.

Second point I would make here is while Hagel apologized to Hormel, he did it a week or so ago. His sincerity might be likened to Bush Sr. finding his religion on abortion when running for President(or Romney for that matter).

Third point. A broken clock is right once in a while. The fact Obama nominated Hagel and that Eric Cantor opposes it does not make Hagel the best pick that could have been made. I’m very troubled by his use of the term Jewish Lobby and the whole in your face… I’m not a senator from Israel thing because it seems to me that he is singling out Israel for special treatment as opposed to our other allies. I also think it taps into deeply held anti-semitic sentiment regarding Israel. But there is a distinction between tapping into anti-semitic sentiments and being an anti-semite… which Hagel is not.

This does not mean he isn’t qualified for the post. Hagel clearly is. But it is also not outrageous to ask him about ALL of these issues. One does not need to be Jewish, gay, or Armenian to simply ask his opinion and his past statements.