
Video: Keith Olbermann's Take on the Smoking Gun Trump Jr. Emails

weststpaulbear7/11/2017 4:01:34 pm PDT

Betty Cracker over at Balloon Juice has some great advice. The way to drive Trump over the edge is to make sure that Trumpcare gets torpedoed and sunk. Don’t forget to call your senators and put the pressure on.

I’m not saying don’t pay attention to the emails that portray Uday as an eager collaborator with a hostile foreign power — hell yes, pay attention to it. But the Republican Party Before Country Party will be an immovable obstacle to clearing out the nest of traitors in the White House until it is made clear to them that Trump is a useless impediment.

Hand the Republicans a stinging defeat on healthcare, brand Trumpcare with the “LOSER” label, and Trump will come unglued. When Trump comes unglued, he lashes out. When he lashes out, Trump hits indiscriminately, sometimes smacking GOP senators, which makes fellow Republicans frown.