
Pamela Geller Edits Post to Conceal Violent Rhetoric in 'Email from Norway'

ContinentalOp7/29/2011 1:17:55 pm PDT

Geller’s occasional guest blogger John Jay, who has been advocating armed violence against Muslims and their liberal/socialist enablers for quite some time, has posted these two not-quite-explicit comments since the Oslo terrorist attacks.

why deny the logical imperative of what you write? why deny the logical imperative of what you believe? and, why oh why, deny the logical imperative of what the other fellow writes and believes? why forget it, when trouble looms? why deny what the other fellow intends for you, what he thinks and what he has written? and your fellows? marx. lenin. marcuse. alinsky. the frankfurt school. the imam. ayatollah. a thousand clerics calling for your blood. and entire generation of euro leftist terrorist thugs. why? why fucking forget, indeed? history owes no apologies for its thoughts.


just remember, the left and islam have waged unrelenting war against the united states and the free market capitalism & individual liberty for more than 30 years. the left, its ideologues & authors & polemicists & pundits & theorists have gone almost entirely unpunished for this war. in my view, all of the major leftist and socialist parties of the world have enabled, aided and abetted this war of terror, and the western socialists and communists continue to fight it through their proxies in the middle east, primarily in palestine and in syria.
