
James Taylor Live: Jump Up Behind Me

Lidane4/10/2012 6:51:03 pm PDT

More than 800 comments into the thread and I’m still wondering how Free Republic’s owner feels about Mitt Romney. He’s just so vague about it, you know?

Funny, the draft-dodging surrender monkey Romney drew his line in the sand long ago when he denied Reagan-Bush, denied conservatism and ran as a gay rights pushing, Roe v Wade approving abortion advocate, big government mandate loving socialist. He’s now looking America square in the eye and lying his ass off. He’s a political whore who will say anything to get elected. Republicans are suckers.

Romney’s socialism is just as deadly as Obama’s. Maybe worse. At least the Republicans will try (or pretend to try) to fight off Obama’s. They’ll happily go along with Romney. Don’t look now but Romney has your children’s futures all planned out for them, just like Obama. They have nothing to fear. One way or the other, the government will take care of them. Cradle to grave.

I don’t know about others, but I’m voting straight conservative. If there is no conservative in a slot, I’ll leave it blank or write one in.

Screw the RINO GOP that’s screwing us.

Rebellion is on!!