
American Religious Fanatics Praise Uganda for Making Homosexuality Illegal

Killgore Trout11/25/2012 2:46:34 pm PST

re: #125 Gus

The practical alternative is to see Al Qaeda, the Taliban, etc., as symptoms rather than the actual disease.

That’s a bigger can of worms. Yes they are a symptom of a much larger problem but all too often people think of these groups only when they attack Western targets. Sadly, there are terrorist attacks on civilains every single day. Attacks on Mosques, churches, festivals, markets, schools, political assassinations. As the world has gotten smaller over recent decades we are inevitably going to be targets as well. Nothing we do will change the motivation, for terrorist groups like Taliban and Al Qaeda this is just the way they do business, we’re a target just like everybody else and nothing we do is going to change that.