
Colbert: We've Come a Long Way From 'No Collusion'

ckkatz1/18/2019 1:17:18 pm PST

From the annals of “Why am I not surprised”, Jack Dorsey on what he would do ‘if’ Trump violated Twitter terms of service.

From HuffPost interview. (Saw it mentioned in Washington Post email, btw.)

Feinberg: “Is there anything that, say, Donald Trump could do that would qualify as a misuse? Because I know the newsworthy aspect of it outweighs a lot of that. But is there anything that he could do that would qualify as misusing the platform, regardless of newsworthiness?”

Dorsey:”Yeah, I mean, we’ve talked about this a lot, so I’m not going to rehash it. We believe it’s important that the world sees how global leaders think and how they act. And we think the conversation that ensues around that is critical.”

Feinberg: “OK, but if Trump tweeted out asking each of his followers to murder one journalist, would you remove him?”

Dorsey:”That would be a violent threat. We’d definitely … You know we’re in constant communication with all governments around the world. So we’d certainly talk about it.”

Feinberg: “OK, but if he did that, would that be grounds to—”

Dorsey: “I’m not going to talk about particulars. We’ve established protocol, it’s transparent. It’s out there for everyone to read. We have, independent of the U.S. president, we have conversations with all governments. It’s not just limited to this one.”

Jack Dorsey Has No Clue What He Wants