
Video: Sasha DiGiulian - 'Pure Imagination'

Interesting Times12/10/2011 4:53:46 pm PST

Here’s a set of comments I saw somewhere else - excruciatingly, maddeningly insightful and true (emphasis mine):

I never cease to be amazed that no matter how rich, powerful and privileged these people are, it’s just never enough, they ALWAYS want more more MORE. No matter how much they have, no matter how well they live, no matter how much they sop up of society’s total wealth, they invariably want more, and lash out at anyone who stands in their way, even if it’s the very people they’re trying to take it from and in the process effectively rendering poor. These people are DISEASED!!!

And then, in an even more powerful follow-up:

I’m not being metaphorical. I think these people are literally mentally ill, in a DSM/Personality Disorder way. They appear to have some combination of narcissism, OCD and sociopathy that makes it impossible for them to stop at a certain point and say “Enough! I have all that I need and the rest you’re free to do with as you wish.”, and forces them to keep trying to get more—WAY more than is necessary or sustainable let alone fair—which at a certain point calls for clearly cruel and sadistic methods, such as throwing people out on the street, breaking their bones with clubs, stealing their money using clever financial instruments issued under color of legality, etc.

It’s like you combined the worst, most unappealing, most destructive qualities of a narcissist, a hoarder, and a sadist, into an entire class of people, and removed all obstacles to their ruinous behavior. These people should be in jails and mental hospitals, not corporate boards and political office.

And isn’t it so nice to know they own a political party outright?