
Questions Remain in Reuters Photo Cropping Incidents

Christopher H6/09/2010 1:34:17 pm PDT

Christ this is difficult. Right:

- A lot of confusion over what the word manipulation means. In its full usage it does not just mean simply “physically change” something. One can also manipulate something for a specific purpose - in this case, showing it in a completely different context. But yes, ok,”photo manipulation” has come to mean doctoring the photo using image software, so I was wrong in using that phrase, and should have been far more careful. Nevertheless, the man in the photo claims he did not even have the knife on him when he was on the ship (but, even if he did, its not an offensive weapon but part of the ceremonial Yemeni dress - all this anti-muslim crap besides)

- The claim made by Max Blumenthal et al is that the audio was added into the video. Whether this is true or not, its obviously an insufficient response to say “but yeh listen to the video! its there!” I know the audio is there, that the point. (And yes, I have listened to the “full” video - still highly edited). If the IDF has nothing to hide it would release the activists recording of the same transmission to see whether they correlate with its own, but for some reason they refuse

- If Huwaida Arraf is lying in saying that what appears in the audio recording is from a previous event, and not from the raid on this flotilla, there is again another way to find out: realise the activists own recordings. While I get accused of not refusing to accept anything the IDF says (I dont believe this is fair), others here refuse to accept anything pro-Palestinians (Blumenthal, Arraf) says. So I guess it cuts both ways