
Jim DeMint Spells It Out: Fundamentalist Christianity Required to Be a Conservative

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/10/2010 11:52:30 am PST

re: #121 calochortus

See my 117.

YOu are taking a lot out of context. YOu simply can not read the simple translation of the words without the context and understand the system.

Let me give you a great example.

The commandment is NOT do not kill.

It is: Do not murder.

For one thing if it were do not kill, how could the Bible later have people raising armies and such?

This is a point about translation. But there is a deeper point about context, commentary and the oral tradition..

OK we all agree to no murder (I hope) being a good principle.

So what is murder?

Murder is unlawful killing.

OK - what sort of killing is lawful and what is unlawful?

Now to answer that you need the oral tradition, the Mishnayot, Midrash, Talmud and commentaries - just like in any legal system. Ask an attorney what is unlawful killing some time even in American law. It is not a short discussion. But unless you know something about those details, what you say is likely to lead you astray.