
Glenn Beck: Obama's Going to Murder Tea Partiers and Ron Paul Supporters

TedStriker7/19/2010 7:46:45 pm PDT

re: #115 Nimed

God, I hate Glenn Beck.

What he is doing is demogoging this to the tenth degree (and making it about the Tea Party), but he is partially right — civil libertarians have been all over this for quite a while. The CIA can assassinate American citizens abroad, requiring the sole authorization of the White House . The New York Times and the Washington Post on this:

U.S. Approves Targeted Killing of American Cleric

Muslim cleric Aulaqi is 1st U.S. citizen on list of those CIA is allowed to kill

This is genuinely unprecedented and worrying. The fact that Beck is exploring it in his little circus doesn’t make it less so.

Had Glenn Beck been on this if it was occurring during W’s administration (which it most likely was in some form), I’d bet money Beck would be cheering it on. However, with the show on the other foot for the past year=and-a-half, politically speaking…