
Is the World Finally Ready For... Clown Core? [VIDEO]

Citizen K1/18/2020 12:31:04 pm PST

re: #6 Charles Johnson

It’s such an obviously false claim. I think the only reason so many people believe it is because it gives white people an excuse to avoid the real issues.

My main issue is that, in many ways, that boom happened precisely on the back of exclusion of blacks and other minorities from the benefits of New Deal programs and other things that contributed to the post-war boom, not to mention the cultural appropriations of such things like Rock ‘n Roll that ended up characterizing the generation, as well as cultural alliances with previous out-groups (such as Italians, Irish, etc.) to expand that ‘White’ pie precisely to exclude other minorities from economic benefit among other things.

This is why I can’t dismiss the idea that there’s a connection between economics and classism and racism (along with any other form of xenophobia). It’s just that it’s more likely that racism will inspire classism rather than the reverse, because half the point is to exclude the ‘other’ from what you believe to be ‘rightfully’ yours. They’re not the same issue, but they’re incestuous cousins that help propagate and perpetuate one another and compound each other’s effects.