
Robert Stacy McCain and the Fall of the Conservative Movement

laZardo10/15/2009 6:34:36 am PDT

re: #11 cliffster

That, unfortunately, is the tragedy of current political discourse. The Democrats are still chained to some very longstanding political machines and the people who are calling loudest for those sort of things are the sort of people who should stay on the fringe. Perhaps there could be a new progressive party to take the charge when it comes to real reform.

re: #12
In a sense though, it has. In the early 1900s you had the Unions on the left with the factory owners on the right, and that was before there were concrete safety regulations in place. In the 50s and 60s you had Civil Rights on the left and States’ Rights “Dixiecrats” on the right.

Sadly it seems a lot of these organizations have lost track of their vision…