
Landlord fights 'White Only' pool sign ruling

moderatelyradicalliberal12/14/2011 8:34:29 pm PST

re: #13 SanFranciscoZionist

I swear, some days you wake up, and it’s 1953 all over again, except the cars aren’t as cool, and smoking is bad for you.

“Chemicals”. Magic ‘hair chemicals’.

I spent a year as a locker-room supervisor for teenage girls, and I can attest that they do like their hair chemicals. None of them are capable of making a pool cloudy.

Of course, if the young lady had chemically straightened hair, which lots of girls do these days, odds are that she would be protecting her hair from the pool, not the pool from her hair.

Exactly. Chemically straightened hair and swimming pools don’t go together.