
Mitt Romney to Millionaire Donors: 47% of Americans Are Lazy Shiftless Freeloaders

No Malarkey!9/17/2012 4:14:10 pm PDT

re: #9 dragonfire1981

I work, I’m not on government assistance.

I don’t pay income taxes. Why? I don’t like owing the government money. Though I am married, I choose to have my employer withhold at the higher single rate to pretty much ensure I never have to pay up come tax time. Yes, I am in a lower bracket which helps but if I started making more money I would have no problem paying a reasonable share of that to the Government. I’m not one of these people that believes I should have an absolute right to every single penny I make.

I never get a massive tax refund, but what little I do get is always helpful.

But here’s the thing, I may not pay income taxes but I do PAY TAXES.

I pay property taxes and school taxes and road taxes and sales taxes and gas taxes. There’s no loopholes to get out of these. They must be paid.

And it is for that reason I will never consider myself a freeloader.

Bingo. Romney is talking about people who pay all sorts of taxes, who work hard, and whose wages have been systematically suppressed for decades through globalization and union busting, a process which has made people like Romney obscenely wealthy. So yeah, the people who have exploited the system to drive their wealth up to levels unimagined in history ought to pay a little more in taxes so his fellow citizens can have a little security and their kids can have a chance to improve themselves. So go fuck yourself Mitt.