
Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks Doubles Down: Democrats 'Waging a War on Whites'

Sir John Barron8/05/2014 6:25:31 am PDT

From the NYT—

TOLEDO, Ohio It took a serendipitous slug of toxins and the loss of drinking water for a half-million residents to bring home what scientists and government officials in this part of the country have been saying for years: Lake Erie is in trouble, and getting worse by the year.

Flooded by tides of phosphorus washed from fertilized farms, cattle feedlots and leaky septic systems, the most intensely developed of the Great Lakes is increasingly being choked each summer by thick mats of algae, much of it poisonous. What plagues Toledo and, experts say, potentially all 11 million lakeside residents, is increasingly a serious problem across the United States.

Nonsense. Too much gov regulations. If people just drilled thare own wells and we didnt redistribute water wealth no problem no problem. //