
And Now, Sassy Trump Sings 'The Star-Something Hmm-Hmm'

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/10/2018 5:33:23 pm PST

re: #134 Renaissance_Man

This is basically exactly how I felt for a couple of months after the election. I could not, would not, even open a news site or look at a TV, even a sane place like this. I still feel that way in many ways, but there is more numbness now.

I’m not numb: I’m trying to fight back in whatever little ways I can. I have no choice: I can’t leave where I live.

Every generation has had to fight in one way or another to bring progress in this nation: It’s always been three steps forward and one or two back.

The fact the Dems are flipping seats in places like Oklahoma is telling.