
Saturday Night Oddity: 'Does This Excite You?'

Drudge Potato Al5/16/2009 9:06:17 pm PDT

I’m happy and thrilled for anyone who believes in heaven. The comfort it can give people who believe in it as not only a goal to aim for as well as a place where they can see loved ones again is a nice thing.

Like I stated in a previous comment a few days ago, I don’t believe in heaven because I know that it’s highly likely (I won’t say certain because I can’t prove it) that once you’re brain is no longer functioning, you’re conciousness ceases to exist. Most folks fear death not only from our instinctive maintenance of self-preservation but also from what they think it likely is. A state where you’re ability to think is largely preserved but your senses can detect nothing. Since we experience a death “dress rehearsal” every night when we sleep without dreaming, the concept of death for me is very easy to comprehend. Just as easy to comprehend as my conciousness before being conceived. Nonexistent.