
Video: Pres. Obama Says Elizabeth Warren Is 'Wrong' About the TPP Deal

Targetpractice4/22/2015 8:31:40 pm PDT

re: #137 austin_blue

/Concern troll on/

I’m concerned when liberals (such as myself) believe that if the GOP agrees with something that the President supports, that it means that the President is being completely stupid, a real fucking moron, discarding Liberal ideals, and working for the other side.

/Concern troll off/

It’s Liberal Black Helicopter theology, and it’s rock dumb. Let’s not go there until we see the treaty language, OK?

Hey now, there’s no need to insult me. I don’t suspect the President is selling us all out or that this is a grand conspiracy to screw us all over. But it’s been my experience that when the government and corporations are on the same page, bad things tend to outweigh the good.