
Possibly the Greatest Product Endorsement Ever: Jacob Collier, "Over the Horizon 2017"

can't think of a decent username12/04/2017 6:59:54 am PST

re: #113 HappyWarrior

You guys were talking about Shapiro earlier. He’s what I call an old man in a young man’s body. He’s got so much anger and I just don’t get why. He’s not particularly stupid like a Jim Hoft. Not as intelligent as he and his fans think and definitely not insightful. I don’t get his appeal at all. The biggest secret about Ben is he’s a big bore. Just another pathetic attempt to make being a wingnut “cool.”

I think Shapiro’s problem is that he got his start as a Professional Adorable Republican Preteen. His parents told him what to say, and he got adoration from the wingnuts because he was a little kid. He’s never matured beyond where he was as a kid.

And his career post-childhood hasn’t actually been very impressive. He couldn’t hack it as a lawyer, and he’s despised by the people he wants to love him because they’re Nazis and he’s Jewish.

And while I’m sure he makes millions as a Wingnut Welfare recipient, he’s still just a weirdo who goes on Twitter to say ignorant shit to racist maniacs. He’s never going to be accepted as the intellectual titan he wishes he was, and his advancement in the party has a very low ceiling. He probably doesn’t get invited to frou-frou cocktail parties, and any other gatherings he attends are eventually going to descend into people sig-heiling him to his face once enough alcohol is consumed.