
Newt's Odd Understanding of the US Constitution

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)12/18/2011 11:24:34 am PST

There’s actually quite a few good things on DKos today. I’ve never really been into them, but some of this stuff is quite good.

There are issues that are difficult to understand. The mass-endowing properties of a Higgs field, the intricacies of protein folding, the appeal of the Kardashians. There are issues of opinion; issues of faith; issues simply lacking enough facts to reach a confident conclusion.

The reason the United States faces a huge budget deficit is not one of those issues. In fact, it’s so simple it could be the plot of a children’s book. Only this book doesn’t have a happy ending.

If you listen to the news, you might think went on a spending spree. You might think we shoved fresh billions into social programs, or gave fat pay raises to government workers, or that there’s been some huge expansion of the government bureaucracy. That’s not quite what happened.