
Audio Recording Clears Alec Baldwin of NY Post 'Racial Slur' Charge

SteveMcGriftFlynnComey... ...corruptemoligate RN2/18/2013 6:52:52 pm PST

re: #127 FemNaziBitch

I never cared about WMD’s. We put him in power and when he got to fuckin’ big for his britches, we took him out.

I don’t like, but there it is.

IIRC, he had the 4th largest stockpile of conventnional weapons on the planet, he used chemical weapons on his own people, he needed to go, we had the ability and the political coalition to do it. Was it about oil or Bush or whatever, I don’t really care, children are no longer in prisons in Iraq. His sons are no longer torturing at will.

I wish, sometimes, we could do it more often. Mostly I don’t.

It happened, right or wrong, we have to get on with it.

He didn’t need to go. I said it then and it’s still true. Iraq was the only thing Iran really feared. Sadaam Hussein learned the same lesson Fidel Castro learned forty years earlier. We don’t care what you do to your own people, just keep it inside your own border.