
This Is America: A Little Girl Sobs for Her Father After Trump's ICE Raids

mmmirele8/09/2019 12:54:49 pm PDT

re: #44 MsJ

Sorry, I had to change the above. Because this is what I think every time slavery is mentioned. I dont ever think of slaves as being blacks (while they were)…I think of people, human beings.

Fucking southern white people owned other fucking people. Sold their children.

I’m 60 years old and I still cannot wrap my mind around that. Or that some people today think of this as no big deal. It’s a big, BIG fucking deal.

I have to emphasize the “sold their children” part. White men would rape enslaved women, get them pregnant, not acknowledge their children, and sell the children off, or separate families entirely. That’s because they didn’t see the mothers or children as human beings, but animate chattel property. That too, the centuries of sexual assault and families separated as if they were just bales of cotton, is also part of the horror of slavery.

Oh yeah, these good Christians who talk about marriage only being between a man and a woman need to be reminded that the enslaved, being property, could not get legally married. Because they were just like hogs in the slaveowners’ estimation.