
Overnight Open Thread

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion2/25/2009 2:05:30 am PST

re: #126 gmsc

Crap, getting tired and seeing what I want to see I guess. But “dont buy things you cant afford” (unless its an emergency) is self-evident to me. It should go without saying. Apparently it doesn’t though. I swear I think I’m the only person who actually saved any money during the past few years and I still can’t afford a house even with the prices falling off a cliff.

Now Teh Zero wants to create an artificial floor on that. Should I just give in and stick to a nice Party-Approved Commie Domicile Unit with multiple families under one roof, a small carbon footprint, a thermostat stuck at 50 in the winter and 85 in the summer and complete dependence on the state for everything?