
Some thoughts on 'sex by surprise'

Interesting Times12/07/2010 9:00:37 pm PST

re: #135 LudwigVanQuixote

In fact the very act of hey she’s attractive - mental check, she is utterly evil - pisses me off.

Ever heard the term “hate fuck”? There was some controversy on Wonkette a while back when commenters were using it in the context of morally repulsive but physically attractive pundits/politicians. Some thought it meant rape, but others responded no, it means consensual sex with someone you otherwise despise because the physical attraction either overcomes the intellectual/moral revulsion or is strengthened(!) by it.

To be brutally honest, it’s why I have a hard time “getting” some of what you’re writing, because I’ve seen so much evidence of men putting aside revulsion with all other aspects of a woman simply because of her looks. The most hideous example I can think of is a poll done in response to a particularly gruesome husband/wife serial killer team in Ontario, where a sizable number of men said they’d be willing to sleep with the thoroughly evil but physically attractive wife.

Can you imagine any sane woman saying the same thing about her rapist-murderer husband?