
David Horowitz Begs for Money for Robert Spencer

Cato the Elder8/27/2010 8:28:19 pm PDT

re: #49 Cato the Elder

Proudly known, in the “right” circles, as the P.I.G.

And the full title is “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades).”

The Crusades, you see, are completely misunderstood. They were noble attempts to stem the tide of Mahomet’s followers. Of course, a few nasty things happened along the way, notably some unfortunate harassment (read: pogroms and massacres) directed towards European Jews, but that was just an excess of boyish, chivalrous, knightly European over-enthusiasm (never mind that some of the funding for the Crusades came from the looting and pillage of Jewish enclaves).

I do wonder, though, how Robert Spencer wishes away or condones or explains the part where the Western European crusaders raped and pillaged his beloved Byzantium, whose sacred ground they had been called to defend. Against the Moooslims.

Note to Horowitz: Spencer is no friend to Jews. But you know that already, you’re just once again going where the power is.

Fuck you both.

Note that there are numerous other P.I.G.s (“politically incorrect guides”) that will tell benighted, liberalism-befuddled people what to think about:

—American History
—The Vietnam War
—The Civil War
—Western Civilization
—The Consti-fucking-tution
—The Founding Fathers [no mothers allowed]
—The Bible
—The Sixties [when Everything Started to Go Wrong]
—The Great Depression [not, apparently, the one brought on by reading P.I.G.s]
—The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design
—The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming (and Environmentalism)
—The Politically Incorrect Guide to Women, Sex and Feminism

&c., &c., ad nauseam, with this one topping my list of favorites:

—The Politically Incorrect Guide to the South (and Why It Will Rise Again) [now there’s something to look forward to!]

All of them proudly have the P.I.G. logo on the cover, showing, guess what? - a pig.

Anyone need any explication of where these people come from and where they want to take this country? Well, this is telling: the man depicted on the cover of the “American History” P.I.G. is Stonewall Jackson. Yep, the very avatar of everything America stands for!

Are you confused about sex, women, money (there’s a P.I.G. about captitalism), money, women, sex, and the Bible and the Koran and God and This Great Nation of Ours?

Buy a P.I.G.!

Immediate stone-cold racist fucktardism guaranteed, but no money back.