
The Terms of Kerry's Israel-Hamas Cease-Fire Proposal - Update: Israel Rejects Kerry Proposal

Lidane7/25/2014 12:42:00 pm PDT

Professional crybaby says what?

The Doctor Is In: Dinesh D’Souza Psychoanalyzes The Left

“So here’s the envious guy, seething with envy, seething with resentment and who should come to him at this point but Obama,” he explained. “And Obama, himself suffused with envy, will say to this guy ‘Listen, let me tell you something, you’re not envious, you are righteously indignant, you know why? Because look at those guys in that restaurant, they’ve been stealing from you. Society creates wealth and then greedy entrepreneurs come in and grab it. So here’s what you do: you vote for me, I will take the cops and go get their stuff and then I will give some of it to you.’”

“You have here a dirty bargain by people who are appealing to the lowest impulses in human nature,” D’Souza said, “and it’s camouflaged under the banner of social justice. It’s ultimately the biggest scam of them all”