
Watch Live as the Republican Party Packs the Supreme Court With Yet Another Far Right Extremist

Teddy's Person10/12/2020 12:37:42 pm PDT

Teddy had FHO surgery on Friday. All went well. The only hiccup was about 2 hours after I dropped him off, the surgeon called to tell me that his hip had popped back into place. Since it seemed to pop in and out easily, I went ahead with the surgery (then spent the rest of the day worrying if I made the right call). After the surgery, the surgeon told me his hip was really loose and would have probably popped out on the way home if I had decided not to do the surgery and take him home.

When I picked him up on Saturday, he was a little more spry than I thought he would be. I think he was just glad to see me. The vet tech told me when he wanted to move he could really go but if he didn’t he could be really stubborn. That’s my Teddy a stubborn old cuss.

Let the healing and rehab begin!!