
Trump Ranted: "Iran Test-Fired a Missile." Today We Find Out There Was No Missile.

Khal Wimpo (free internal organs upon request!)9/25/2017 4:27:43 pm PDT

The recent piece by Matt Taibbi in Rolling Stone has kinda gotten under my skin. It’s a long discourse on how Trump is certifiably nutso:

It’s an agonizing parody of late-stage Lenny Bruce. The great Sixties comedian’s act degenerated into tendentious soliloquies about his legal situation (he had been charged with obscenity). Bruce too stood onstage in his last years for interminable periods, court papers in hand, quoting himself to audiences bored to insanity by the spectacle.

This is exactly Trump. Even his followers are starting to look sideways at one another. In a sight rarely seen last year, a trickle of supporters heads for the exits. Then Trump cracks.

I’m just not feeling it. This feels … inadequate.

Burn them. Burn them all.

Yes, the Yam is not what anyone would call normal. But I think the far more trenchant diagnosis is the one from earlier today - that Trump is systematically depriving us of any sense of normalcy and safety.

That he is actively malignant. Not just in thrall to the accumulation of aluminum in his synapses, but truly actively evil, dedicating himself to hurting people and enjoying it.