
UN School Used by Terrorists As a Weapons Dump

Guanxi881/06/2009 10:35:33 am PST

re: #131 looking closely

I’m not so sure it would be any worse than a strike on any other target of theirs.

Seems to me that this is the way to go all around. You’ve got the smiling leaders, the faithful murderers, and, in many cases, trucks loaded with weapons rolled out for the edification and amusement of their supporters.

I’m not saying you lay down a hurricane barrage of artillery, or carpet-bomb the place - I’m saying that a small(ish) strike might work wonders for peace in the area.

Would there be civilians killed? Almost certainly. Would the top leadership, cadres of their followers, and a good chunk of their arsenal be destroyed? Again, almost certainly.

Besides, it’s not as if these rallies don’t have explosions all their own: Liveleak Video