
New From Olbermann: A Timeline of Treason

Decatur Deb7/19/2017 7:29:31 am PDT

re: #144 MsJ

Not even close.

USD as no longer being the reserve currency. Crashed economy. Housing dead. Further job loss, mortgage failures, but moreso than 2008. No bailout, full blown global depression. War. War with long-time allies.

Pence wouldn’t give us wars (likely he wouldn’t at least), but he will work (as he is now) to revoke voting rights of Americans (to ensure GOP control), mandatory prayer (of the right kind…think DeVos on steroids). And worse, like I said, Pence knows politics which means he would know HOW to bully the GOPers who are not falling in line. He knows how to use the bully pulpit…and he has shown that he is more than willing to lie about everything (as Jesus teaches).

The only difference between the two is war. Which I wouldn’t totally rule out but I think Pence would hesitate moreso than Trump.

Either way, we’re in a bad place. But I almost prefer buffoonery, because they are not accomplishing anything lasting (aside from ruining our reputation and changing the dynamics of global power).

Ok, after writing all that I am quite depressed.

The path out is to get the worst of the GOP out of control of the House and its Speakership. Either take the house in 2018 (unlikely) or scare the GOP into unloading the worst of its leadership. Then there is something to be gained from impeachment.

None of that happens if the Libs/Progs/Dems/Whatever can’t get their shit together and stop the fratricidal whining.