
What Would You Ask About Health Care?

duck of peace8/11/2009 3:52:28 pm PDT

These are completely rhetorical questions. Maybe its good as a cathartic exercise. Unfortunately, when the opposition can see no government program as too big or any personal freedom as too dear to usurp, there really isn’t ANY questions to be asked. Seriously. How do you convince a religious zeolot? How do you convince someone who sees you as a lesser person?

I feel like this is an exercise in democracy like High School student leadership is an exercise in Democracy: A complete act. If I seriously had a chance to ask the president about healthcare reform, I wouldn’t do it. There is literally no dialouge possible with this administration. I feel completly and utterly impotent.

Maybe that is why people are coming to these things only to disrupt them. While I totally disagree with their actions and tone; on the other hand I am at a loss as to how I or any “regular” person could convince them of anything.