
Obama Cancels New EPA Smog Standards

Targetpractice9/02/2011 11:24:02 am PDT

re: #145 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

I have. I’ve gotten pretty much what I’ve expected from my vote, which was a vote for a DLC-style centrist purple states Dem. Didn’t have a problem casting that vote in 08 and will gladly do it again in 12.

I have gotten the feeling from the primary-obama types, though, they’re the ones who actually bought into this nutbaggery that he’s a “socialist” trying to “change this country”. Lol, please.

I’m not calling on the man to be a socialist, I’m not calling on him to be a moonbat. I’m just calling on him to grow a spine, show us that charisma that carried him so far back in ‘08. Give me a reason to vote for him, rather than against the GOP.