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Justanotherhuman11/27/2014 4:45:44 am PST

re: #147 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality

The Europeans have a better concept of vacation than most companies in the USA do. Only teachers, professors and students get vacations of decent lengths in the USA.

Meanwhile, here in the China, workers get about two weeks’ vacation (Spring Festival and National Holiday/Mid-Autumn Festival), plus a few scattered one-day holidays. Everyone gets the same days off, so you can imagine the crush in the train and bus terminals. Academics like me have it better. This winter holiday will be 8 weeks long! And it’s paid!

Yeah, the kids get 3 days off this week, and it reminded me of the time when my own were small and how much it cost for extra care and/or scrambling to find someone to mind them. I used to work extra days (when it was allowed) during holidays and vacation to pay for it.

And nothing has changed much for the vast majority of working parents, both single and married.