
Video: Hamas Tactics in the Gaza Strip

nantucket4/27/2009 3:33:30 pm PDT

history is littered with nations/peoples/etc. that were destroyed/defeated because they fought by one set of rules and their enemies fought by a different set of rules. two examples:

The English defeated the French at Agincourt because the English used peasant farmers to shoot arrows at the French knights/nobles. At the time, the French saw it as cowardly and outside the bounds of proper war etiquette to have peasants fight nobles, and to shoot arrows from a distance. Guess what, the French got slaughtered.

The American revolution. Colonists used hit and run tactics, guerrilla warfare. It was seen as uncivilized and beneath the English to fight that way, so they fought as trained (march straight on, face the enemy in open areas, etc) Well….the colonists did it because they couldn’t win enough in direct battles and we won our independence.

Sometimes, you have to use the tactics of your enemy to defeat that enemy because the enemy will certainly use your tactics against you.

Kudos to Israel for pointing out the dirty tactics used by their enemies and showing restraint in the face of such evil…let’s hope Israel knows how much to adapt to defeat the enemy and not fall into the terrible trap of following one set of rules while the enemy doesn’t.