
Breaking: Iran Reaches Nuclear Deal With Britain, France, Germany, China, Russia, the EU and the US

SteveMcGriftFlynnComey... ...corruptemoligate RN11/23/2013 7:17:32 pm PST

re: 119 Dark Falcon

You’re also assuming the Czechs would have actually fought against Hitler, which is also a big assumption. There was plenty of civil unrest among the nationalities. But let’s see how things would have turned out if Hitler called England’s bluff in 1938. The only intervention England and France had available was blockade and aerial bombardment. The bombardment would have failed, and as history shows, Germany fought just fine for six years while being blockaded. However, France would have imploded. You can bet that whatever government was in power at the time would be replaced if they dared to try to save the Czechs. As I said above, there was no support in England for Czechoslovakia either. Not only did England and France have a strategic problem, they had a huge political problem that doesn’t fit on the bumper sticker guys like you try to use when you discuss history