
Reince Priebus Whines About Being Accused of Racism, MSNBC Instantly Backs Down

BongCrodny1/30/2014 12:53:23 pm PST

re: #138 Mattand

Penn Jilette of Penn and Teller leaps to mind. He often describes himself as far right on money and as far left on personal freedom as one can go. Not really sure that’s true left-leaning, but compared to other self-described libertarians, it’s practically being a hippy.

He has taken to embracing anarcho-captilism over the last few years, so take that how you will.

I remember reading that an episode or two of P&T’s “Bullshit!” series on Showtime towed the “it’s not happening” line re: global warming.

Maybe to Penn that just falls under the “far right on money” scale.