
Yet Another Mind-Blowing Live Jam From Fusion Monsters GEM: "Vertigo"

Yeah Sure WhatEVs1/27/2022 4:01:53 am PST

re: #148 EPR-radar

Yes, the views of a drunk pig-face at the pub on covid are equal in value to the views of experts in the field. /s

The one that killed me was this moron at sorryantivaxxer (whom, btw, is in need of a kidney transplant but refuses to vax, so at Stage 4, he is taking himself off the top of the transplant list…yeah, Dr. Dumbass, smooth move) talking to some other moron from OAN and Dr. Dumbass was saying the people at Johns Hopkins didn’t know shit and Dr. Dumbass should be the one anyone listens to. And Dr. Dumbass couldn’t pronounce myocarditis.