
Karsh: 'The War Against the Jews'

researchok8/23/2012 11:35:02 am PDT

re: #147 Destro

And we are talking historical, not modern day. Because if we are to attack Islam for what it did in the middle ages then why is Christianity of today not banned for what it did to the Jews?

Yes bigot, it is very different.

What Christianity was, in no longer the case.

What much of Islam is today (especially in Middle East and Pakistan), though not all is hateful, racist and bigoted. Long gone is the historical Islam, forward thinking and progressive in it’s own way.

Christianity has learned from it’s past. Many Muslims today ‘Promise to finish what Hitler started’ and ‘Allah in Heaven, Hitler on earth!’

Besides, we’re getting to far off topic- you blamed Christianity for Muslim antisemitism and violence- patently false and you said,

The Muslims aka the ‘lions’ in this analogy were actually very tolerant of Jews and anti-semetism did not show up in the Muslim world until - ironically enough - the founding of the Israeli state

Blaming the victim? You and the hard Christian right have a lot in common.