
Richard Dawkins Named World's Top Thinker in Poll

SanFranciscoZionist4/30/2013 7:21:24 am PDT

re: #14 Jimmah

My Dad has just arrived and will be staying for a few days so I won’t be around much, but I’ll be back later in the week to see what the inevitable tide of butthurt washed up.

(I’m guessing it will take the form of some sort of attempt to launch a War On Richard Dawkins on LGF by some people)

BUTTHURT! It’s a floor wax! It’s a dessert topping!

OK, now that we’ve established the butthurt, let me just state for the record that someone who said these sorts of things about Islam:

who was not Richard Dawkins, would get a less warm reception at LGF.

Pat Condell is persona non grata. Why is Dawkins, who says of Condell:

“I am not in favour of banning the burqa, because I am not in favour banning any style of clothing. But I think Pat is right to compare the burqa with a Ku Klux Klan hood or a swastika armband (which shouldn’t be banned either). I think he is right to speak of Islamic fascism, I think he is right to condemn the use of the word ‘Islamophobia’….I think Islam is probably the greatest of all man-made evils in the world today. It takes courage to speak out against it. Pat has that courage. He will be making enough enemies among the Islamofascists. I prefer not to encourage them by attacking him from the other side. “

still persona grata?

If this be butthurt, make the most of it. I think Dawkins is a bit overrated in many ways, but I’m genuinely curious as to why his record of saying about Islam what the wingnuts say, albeit in a cuter accent, doesn’t piss people off.