
WikiLeaks, Morgan Tsvangirai and the Guardian – an explanation

Usually refered to as anyways1/13/2011 7:24:31 pm PST

re: #14 Obdicut

Dude, you’re comparing a mistake, an omission, a laxity, to a deliberate malfeasance.

Yes, it is a catastrophe, a tragedy, a cataclismic apocalyptic monumental calamity.

Yes, the military should keep tighter control. But that is a passive mistake. Manning stealing the cables, Wikileaks distriubting them, the Guardian publishing them— these are all active bits of malfeasance.

Do you really not get that distinction?

Not sure if you speed read through comments then post, but I was not arguing that the US Govt were most to blame for wikileaks.

I was laying the blame for the Morgan Tsvangirai cables at the feet of the Guardian as they were the first to choose to publish them.

But I will say that the security is an issue that the US Govt is indeed addressing.